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Be Honest: Are You Happy With Your Job?

 Image by The Telegraph UK

Let us ask you a possibly offensive question right now: Are you happy with your job?

Before you pick a stone to throw at us, think about the question first. Don't let us know, if you're uncomfortable. But in the quietness of your heart, ask yourself this. Are you really, sincerely happy?

Most of Manila's "corporate slaves" do, indeed slave away. Putting in at least 12 hours of their lives on to work that lasts for more than 8 hours, the hours they've most likely agreed with their employers and signed for, on the contract. Some of those workers are more than happy to put in their necessary workload, because their jobs make them happy. But for those who are not satisfied with their jobs, the reasons for their unhappiness could either be tied to their bosses, coworkers, or even the fact that they're in the wrong careers.

One surprising discovery from Fox Business' Nancy Colasurdo is how a woman who was dissatisfied with her job rediscovered passion for it when she enhanced the rest of her lifestyle. Apparently, overall life satisfaction can promote job satisfaction.

Thus, we have a few suggestions for you:

1. As much as possible, don't put in more than the required number of hours on your job. Sure, your boss is paying you and he may want to squeeze every last centavo of your salary in terms of work from you. But, there are labor laws, and you do have the right to talk to him about overtime; especially if it's unpaid overtime.

Sell him in on the idea that a rested, happy worker is a great worker. Then prove it. Maximize your work hours and give it what it's worth. The problem of most Filipino workers is that they believe The Man is someone whom they should exploit and slack off at their jobs. That's why The Man feels the need to control and squeeze out as much work off of their employees as possible. Give your boss a great work ethic, not to mention results, and you'll get your time off.

2. Get a life outside of work. While you can and should hang out with workmates, also make sure you cultivate friendships outside of work. If you are part of an organization or a church, it's a great place to meet and hang out with new people. Organize or join fun activities and block off your weekends as nothing-but-fun days.

3. Nurture you. Go to a spa. Read. Travel. Sip a lot of tea or coffee, in a place with great ambience and your heart will feel full because it's been nurtured by the beauty you're surrounded with.

When you make an effort to make your life enjoyable, even beautiful, you may find that you'll be happy to work to fund the things you love doing.

We hope that the next time we ask the question, you'll give us a resounding "YES!"

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